Top Event
2nd Edition Agribusiness Summit 2019
Event Start
27/08/2019 · 09:00
Event End
28/08/2019 · 17:00

Use the promo code APHD320 to enjoy AHK’s 30% discount on the conference tickets.

The Federal Government of Nigeria launched the “Green Alternative” through the Agricultural Promotion Policy 2016-2020, an agricultural sector roadmap, in an effort to generate exports, meet domestic food security goals, create jobs for the unemployed youth and diversify the mono-product economy.


Three years after implementation, the nation has seen a drop in unemployment – more than 70 per cent of Nigerian labour is in the agricultural sector - and a rise in exports and investment.

However, the country still faces many challenges in its most important industry. Poor irrigation systems, outdated machinery and poor food processing are just some of the issues farmers are facing daily. As a result, the low productivity in both horticulture and livestock farming puts pressure on feeding an ever-increasing population.

To provide insightful discussions and thought-provoking presentations regarding these challenges, African Farming is hosting its 2nd Edition Agribusiness Summit in Abuja, Nigeria from 27-28 August 2019.

Programme highlights

  • Laws, regulations and governmental policies in the agricultural sector
  • Farm management
  • Machinery used in horticulture and livestock farming
  • Education and training of agripreneurs
  • Pre-investment market review
  • Fintech and insurance technology

The two-day summit will gather government officials, academics, agribusiness owners, manufacturers and other important stakeholders to identify practical solutions and strategies to drive sustainable development. Furthermore, it will create a cohesive platform for trade and learning opportunities.

To register, click on and use the promo code APHD320 to enjoy AHK’s 30% discount on the conference tickets.

For further information, please contact

Mr. Damilola Ijalade

Mr. Damilola Ijalade

Event & Marketing Officer